The Catholic Church of the Most Blessed
Sacrament is a community empowered by faith in God. We celebrate
the mercy and love of God in the seven Sacraments given to the
Church by the
Lord, Jesus Christ. We carry out our
mission by:
teaching the good news of the Gospel through spiritual formation
and education;
2) gathering as people to join in
prayer and be of service to the wider community;
ministering collectively to the needs of the Parish Family by
ongoing Christian fellowship;
4) seeking to honor and glorify
God daily through Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure. |
Mission Statement Adopted by Parish Pastoral Council on
November 30, 2009 |
Altar Servers, Lectors, Liturgical Cross
Bearers, Usher Ministry, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Families & Individuals Being Asked To Bring Offering Gifts Forward to
Altar During the Sunday Masses
Call Parish Office for Schedule |

Most Blessed
Sacrament's parish offers a wide variety of ministries, organizations, and
committees through which we seek to glorify
God in Christ (by our personal stewardship of time and talent). The
opportunities for personal witness to Jesus Christ are grouped by
function below. To go directly to a group click title below:
Liturgical Ministries and Worship
School of Religion and Faith Formation Ministry
Parish Life, Discipleship & Evangelization
Administrative & Pastoral Support
Fraternal Organizations Connected to Parish
Special Projects

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Four times a year -
First Saturdays: Mar., June, Sept., Dec.
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson *
Church Office: 404-349-9263
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion assist the clergy in carrying Holy Communion to the sick and
shut-in members of the parish. They also help in the distribution of Holy
Communion to the faithful at regularly scheduled Masses. Must have received
the Sacrament of Confirmation * Training & Commissioning is required.
Lector Ministry
Four times a year
- First Saturdays: Feb., May, August, Nov.
Deacon Fred Toca * Church
Office: 404-349-9263
Lectors proclaim the Word of God
on Sundays, special feast days and some week day celebrations of the Mass.
Through the lector God continues to feed his people at the table of the
Lord. Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation * Training &
Commissioning is required.
Usher & Greeters Ministry
Four times a year -
Second Saturdays: Aug., Nov., Feb, June
Coordinator: Marsha
Usher Team Leaders:
9:00a.m. |
11:30a.m. |
(Team 1) |
Rowland Welsh
Sam Rundles |
Marsha Westerman
Don Johnson |
(Team 2) |
Sid Brown
Stella McAnthony |
Judy Benjamin
Arian Harris |
(Team 3) |
Jeanne Mosley
Reggie Everett |
Delphine Young
Juan Shields |
Ushers/Greeters are asked to help prepare the church to welcome members and
visitors for our sacred worship of God. This ministry, as a ministry of
hospitality, is responsible for greeting parishioners and visitors as they
enter church and addressing any needs they may have during worship services.
Should have received the Sacrament of Confirmation * Training &
Commissioning required before serving in ministry.
Music Ministry
Aleron Morton:
Amorton@mbschurch.com or 404-349-9263
Lyndon Batiste:
Lbatiste@mbschurch.com (assistant Director)
9:00 Mass Choir Rehearsal:
Tuesdays at 7:00p.m.
Cantors / Song Leaders: Contact
Director of Music
Praise Team Ministry (11:30 Mass) -
Lyndon Batiste
Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
This ministry is invites women, men
and youth to share the gift of song as cantors, adult choir members, and youth
choir (middle school, high school and college age) members to serve at Mass.
Sacristan & Altar Guild Ministry
Earline Brown
Janice Royals
The sacristan is responsible in
assisting in preparing the church prior to and after each celebration of the
Mass. Sacristans help maintain adequate inventory and supplies for all
liturgical functions. |
Altar Servers
Bi- Monthly on Fourth
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., except during summer months.
Parish Office: 404-349-9263 x102
This ministry is open to members age
9 years old and up, and who have made their First Holy Communion. Servers are
responsible for assisting the priest during Mass, and special liturgies. |
"The Blessed Angels" Liturgical Dance
Sundays - 1:30 p.m.
Check with Leaders for Meeting Dates
Kya Marrero:
This ministry is open to all,
male and female. Members of this ministry offer praise to God through sacred
movement and song during parish Liturgical functions. Please contact the
ministry coordinator for rehearsal times and attire requirements. |
Liturgical Cross Bearer
Church Office: 404-349-0176
Cross Bearers process with the cross during Liturgical Celebrations. |
Liturgy &
Worship Council
Church Office: 404-349-9263
This body offers counsel to the pastor on matters related to the parish's
liturgical life and plans special moments of prayer and worship for the parish.
Membership on this Council is composed of the leaders from the various
liturgical groups of the parish and other as needed appointed members of the
parish. | |

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Adult Faith
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson:
404-404-349-9263 x102
Deacon Fred Toca: 404-404-349-9263
Spiritual growth and enrichment
sessions are offered during the year for adults on a variety of topics and
spiritual interests. A monthly "What the Church Believes" series is conducted
August through May every year. Also through this ministry spiritual formation
some of the opportunities include: Ministry to Married Couples, Men's Bible
study, Revivals and Parish Missions, weekend retreats through Ignatius House.
Check calendar for times.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults &
Reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy
Communion For Adults and Children over 12 (R.C.I.A.)
Tuesdays at 7:30p.m. - September through May
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson:
Adults or Families who are
interested in becoming members of the Catholic Church - to be baptized and
receive Holy Communion - should contact the pastor. Parents who are interested
in having their children baptized need to contact the parish office.
Elementary School Age Catechesis
Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson:
This ministry is responsible for the
spiritual development and religious education of our parish youth: elementary
school age - grades K - 6. Also preparation for the sacraments of first Holy
Communion and Reconciliation are given each year.
Youth and Teen
Middle School Ministry
(Grades 7 - 8)
High School Ministry
(Grades 9 - 12)
Gretchen Eugere (Leader):
404-349-9263 x107
Lyndon Batiste (Assistant):
The Middle School Ministry is
directed toward all 7th and 8th grade youth of our parish. Through regular
gatherings this ministry seeks to build lasting bonds of friendship and sponsor
activities centering around the message of Jesus Christ.
The High School Youth Ministry is
directed toward all high school teenagers of our parish. Through regular
gatherings this ministry seeks to build lasting bonds of friendship and sponsor
activities centering around the message of Jesus Christ. This ministry is also
responsible for teenagers receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Children's Liturgy of the Word Ministry
October through End of
May Yearly - 11:30 Mass ONLY
This ministry provides a
Scripture Liturgy Service for children, up to and including the 2nd grade,
during the same time adults and older children are celebrating the Liturgy
of the Word for the Sunday Mass - this ministry functions at the 9a.m.
Reception of Initiation Sacraments (Grades 7 - 12)
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson:
This ministry (Rite of
Christian Initiation for Teens or R.C.I.T.) is responsible for the
spiritual development and formation of middle school and high school teens
interested in becoming Catholic. This ministry prepares these youth for the
Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation if youth was not baptized
as an infant. |
Parish Sunday Nursery Ministry
September through End of
May Yearly - 11:30 Mass ONLY
Church Office: 404-349-9263
Monica Woodson - Coordinator
The Sunday Nursery Ministry will be
responsible for the care of our youngest members, ages 15 months through 5 years
of age, while their parents attend Sunday Mass. Parental volunteers are
encouraged to be part of this ministry |
Puppet Ministry
SEE DATES BELOW - TIME: 1045a.m. Parish Center
Taylor Colquitt
Johnny Colquitt
Performances on October 25, 2015,
November 22, 2015 and December 13, 2015.
Puppet Ministry
functions in the Parish Center, except January and July, August, and September

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Parish Pastoral Advisory Council
Quarterly on last Monday
of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Months of January, April or May,
August, and November.
Members: Beth Harris, Pat Matthews, Monica Woodson, Justin Payton, Roland
Cooper. This body offers counsel to the pastor on matters related to
parish life and future direction. Membership on this Council is composed of both
elected and appointed members of the parish. |
Finance Council
Bi-Monthly on the First
Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Contact Office: 404-349-9263
Parish Members:
Anthony Marrero, Chris Howlette, Don Johnson, and George Sneed. These
meeting are normally closed door sessions. Permission to attend a meeting should
be made to the pastor.
The Handy Men (Parish Maintenance Projects)
Meets As Needed
Sidney Brown
Church Office: 404-349-9263
This parish committee and its
members help do small repair and maintenance projects around the parish's
buildings. |
Collection Counters Committee
Church Office
This committee is responsibility for
counting the parish's offertory collection and depositing the collection. |
St. Zita Society Ministry
Janice Royals, Earline Brown,
Pearl Gresham / Church Office
This special ministry engages families and individuals to take
turns in helping in the physical care of our church building. Once a week St.
Zita Society volunteers spend around 1 hour on Saturdays cleaning the church to
help it be prepared for the Sunday celebration. St. Zita is the patron saint of
those who exercise housecleaning or are in the profession of domestic work.
Technology Committee
Sam Rundles, Arty
McCaslin, Marquette Thinn, & Fr. Bruce Wilkinson / Church Office
Our parish
maintains a presence on the internet through our web site. Members of this
committee are responsible for keeping the our parish connected through the
internet and other available technologies.
Parish Photography Committee
Meets As Needed
This committee will have a purpose
to help keep a photographic record of all parish events, take pictures of all
new members for our "New Member Welcome Picture Board," and help produce and
keep up-to-date a parish pictorial directory.

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New Member Orientation Class Sessions
Mondays for 3 consecutive weeks at 7:00 p.m.
Gretchen Eugere:
New members to the parish, and those
who are interested in becoming members of the parish are invited to participate
in a 3 week long New Member Orientation Class sessions that are held in the
parish center's Sr. Thea Bowman Room. This fellowship can be a time for people
who are new to the parish to be able to share with other new members, find
common areas of interest, and become more acquainted with the inner workings of
Most Blessed Sacrament Church. After the 3 week sessions persons or families may
register in the parish as disciples / members.
a) Disciple Introduction & New
Member Welcome Sub-Committee
Monday, once every two months at 7:00 p.m.
Welcoming New Members who are newly
registered households to our parish). The committee supports and guides newly
registered members to become acquainted with our parish, and helps them address
any special needs they may have, i.e.: sacramental preparation questions,
returning back to the practice of the Catholic faith, etc. and directs them to
the appropriate staff members or parish ministry/organization.
b) Stewardship of Time and Talent
Formation Sub-Committee
Meeting Time as needed |
MBS Married Couples Fellowship Ministry
Meets as Needed4
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson: 404-349-9263
Standrea Payton, Erin Howlette
Married couples will be invited to gather for fellowship and celebration to
strengthen the vocation of marriage. Occasionally workshops will be offered on
various topics, such as: 1) the continuing adjustments for those who have been
married only a short time; or 2) discovering possibilities and challenges to
keep the romance in your marriage; 3) how to be bring a strengthen faith life
into your marriage; 4) the call to be good parents; or 5) how to recover from
the pains of financial distress, major illness of a partner or the discovery of
infidelity, etc.
Parish Pro-Life Support Network
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson:
Our parish is a participant in the
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life, an organizational network
that seeks to end the disrespect of human life ... abortion, hand gun violence,
gang violence, domestic abuse, euthanasia, glorified violence in the mass media
(television, music and movies), and the use of capital punishment. We witness
God’s Glory and follow the Gospel of Life. Join us in actively supporting our
parish’s efforts in promoting the value of every human life.
Beginning on the 1st Sunday of
October and continuing throughout the entire month our parish highlights the
call to support the value of human life at every stage, and seek the elimination
of violence against human life at every level.
St. Katharine Drexel Bookstore & Gift
Sundays after Mass / Weekdays During Office Hours
Pearl Gresham - Co-coordinator
Olivia Toca - Co-coordinator
Alma Brown
Janet Henderson
The Bookstore & Gift Shop is a
spirit filled endeavor to bring to the parish community various types of
religious literature and other special items that can assist the journey of
growing closer to God and Christ Jesus. Credit and debit cards are also
accepted. We have also partnered with The Printery House company to offer an
expanded selection of Catholic gifts and cards for your spiritual journey. The
click the link to their web site below so that we can receive 7% contribution
from your purchase.

If ordering by phone or by mail please add this Keycode when ordering:
Shop at Amazon.Com? Help Support our parish by using our code to
give 0.05% through qualified purchases. Click here to go to Amazon web site.
Amazon Smile Shopping & Donation Program
Helping Hands to Feed Our Community
Consists of three
different efforts:
1) Feeding the
Homeless (Chairpersons - Rowland & Mary Welsh):
Once a month this ministry visits a local shelter to distribute sandwiches and
hot beverages. Leading this sub-committee are Rowland & Mary Welsh.
2) Emergency Food
(Chair - Alverdee Falkner):
Our Food Pantry is
available to provide emergency food assistance to those in our parish & local
community. Food donations are sought every 1st Sunday of the month - bring food
to the church narthex.
The Pantry is open:
Every 3rd
Wednesday from 6:00p.m. until 7:30 p.m. |
Every 1st
Saturday of the month from 10:30a.m. until Noon.
3) Community garden
(Chairpersons - Pat Matthews and B.J. Youngblood): of the grounds of
the parish. The produce from the garden would be distributed to anyone on a
first come / first serve basis. Leading this sub-committee are Pat Mathews and
B.J. Youngblood.
Social Fellowship Committee
Meets Quarterly As Needed
Traci McCoy & Marsha Westerman /
Church Office
This committee/ministry is
responsible for coordinating the parish community's "Sunday Fellowship Kitchen."
This ministry personally serves on
the first Sundays of the month
(except during July). The Ministry coordinates the other parish ministries and
committees to host the Sunday Fellowship Cafe' on the remaining Sundays of the
The committee arranges special
social functions, i.e. the visit of the Archbishop or Auxiliary Bishops to the
B.A.R.E. * Believe * Achieve * Recover *
Breast Cancer Support Network and Fellowship
Third Saturday, every month - 11:00a.m.,
October thru May
Tolanda Thomas - 404-388-8209
Felicia Payton - 404-791-5444
Come to receive
strength, support, information, and become pro-active in your successful fight
against breast cancer. This support network of our parish welcomes all women
(and members of their families) who want to become involved in the efforts to
eliminate breast cancer as a health threat to any and all women and men.
Men's Club - Fellowship Group
Meets Monthly
Sidney Brown - Contact Person
This group offers
Christian fellowship for the adult men of the parish community.
Green Team - Environmental Stewardship
Parish Office - 404-349-9263
Our Catholic Church has had a long history
of proclaiming within its Social Teachings of the need for all people in
general, and Christians in particular, to help care for the environment. Most
recently both Pope Benedict, and now Pope Francis, have issued calls for
Catholics to take serious the need to become more responsible in our way of
living with our God given planet. The Bible and the Catechism clearly show that
God gave us the moral responsibility of taking care of the earth. As God’s
stewards or caretakers of the earth, we are to responsibly use his creation in
the service of God and humankind rather than waste, exploit or abuse it.
To help our parish answer this call this
committee will be responsible to support one of the social missions of the
Church by:
1) to help
make our parish, and community, aware of the Catholic Social Teaching on the
environment and recycling;
2) to help our parish implement
concrete actions to recycle our waste and to learn how to reduce waste, both in
the parish and the larger community; and
3) report to the parish the
success of our program every six months and indicate how we can improve our
St. Rose of Lima Gardening Committee
Meets Quarterly As Needed
Jenifer Burns / Church Office
This committee is
responsible for caring for the various garden areas & plants in and around the
church and parish center buildings.
Parish Rosary Garden
The Rosary Garden was dedicated
on Sunday, November 13, 2011. The garden is located behind the church adjacent
to the parking lot.
Sharing in Sisterhood
Third Saturdays of Mar.,
June, Sept. and Dec. at 1:30p.m.
Kathy Darville:
A women's spiritual and scripture
sharing group which meets quarterly on Saturdays in
Parish Center.
C.R.S. Support & Prayer Group
1st Tuesdays of the Month:
Morning Group - 11:00a.m. / Evening
Group - 7:00p.m.
Deacon Fred Toca: 404-349-9263 x106
Saints Corner
Kathy Darville:
Dolores Thompson: 404-344-2281
Handmade items for infants and
children are donated to the “Saints Corner” in the church's narthex to help
those in need, free of charge.

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Jenifer Burns, Grand Lady:
The Claver organization is a means to render services to God
and His Holy Church; assist the hierarchy and the clergy on the Roman
Catholic Church in apostolic work by planning, promoting, sponsoring, and
executing commendable works of Catholic action; provide mutual aid and
assistance to fellow members.
Junior Divisions:
Knights of Peter Claver #376
Knight Marquette Thinn:
Junior Knight Commander
Lady Peggy Ballou: Junior Daughter Counselor
Hosts Parish Sunday Fellowship on 3rd Sundays of the month. |
Knights of Columbus, Council #4420
Knight Joseph Fitzhugh:
The Knights of Columbus organization is a means to render
services to God and His Holy Church; assist the hierarchy and the clergy on
the Roman Catholic Church in apostolic work by planning, promoting,
sponsoring, and executing commendable works of Catholic action; provide
mutual aid and assistance to fellow members.
MBS Ultreya Group / Cursillo Movement
Members of this Archdiocesan-wide
spiritual movement meet to offer prayers to God for a need as determined by the
parish leadership, and find ways to express their faith commitment through acts
of charity. Prayers may be offered individually or members may come together as
a group to pray. For more information contact the Archdiocese of Atlanta
Cursillo Office. |

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Hearts on Fire for Christ - Evangelization & Witness
Currently Ongoing
Fr. Bruce Wilkinson / Parish
This ministry is newly forming. Pope
Benedict XVI called upon the members of the Church to begin a new age of
evangelization. This ministry helps answer this call. It began during
December of 2011. This ministry is responsible for guiding the parish celebrate
a new age within the local community, the parish and within individuals to
witness the power and love of God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Visit the
Special Announcement Page for events.
Bereavement Committee
Meets As Needed
Deacon Fred Toca:
The purpose of this committee will
be to assist families during the death of a loved one in helping plan the
services and give comfort during and after the loss of a loved one. Training is
required to be part of this ministry.
Capital Campaign Project
Fall of 2013 through September 2016
Coordinating Committee: Standrea Payton, DeLane Adams, and Ryan Thomas
This committee will responsible for
coordinating plans and overseeing the promotion & development of the parish's
Capital Campaign, addressing the current and future growth needs of the parish,
including enhancements to our current physical plant and putting in place the
framework for future development..
Ministry & Educational Center Building
Children's Play Area Project
Vocation Support Committee
Parish Office
Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary 376
Our Archdiocese is blessed to
have many men and women exploring the call of God to service in the Church.
Whether the call is to the religious life, priesthood or permanent
diaconate, or to serve as a full-time lay person in ministry the call by God
needs to be supported and nurtured.
Our parish's Vocation Support
Ministry seeks to bring awareness to our parish members of the various ways
they can help support the men and women who are either discerning a call or
are answering the call to serve the Lord in ordained ministry. Also this
ministry encourages members to offer prayers through the Elijah Cup
Program, and our give financial support to seminarians and women in
religious formation. The Elijah Cup is one important way of praying for
vocations to the Catholic Church and to our Archdiocese.
Parish Elijah Cup Program
in honor of
James Lyke & Sr. Thea Bowman |
Young Adults
The Archdiocese of Atlanta ministers to
young adults (Age 19-39, single and married) through a variety of
programs and social events. Our parish participates in, when possible,
and supports these programs actively.
St. Raphael Outreach Ministry
Patricia Matthews
This special ministry reaches out to parish members who are home
bound due to illness, and also to those in need of comfort or support during
difficult times. There is limited training involved in becoming a part of this
ministry. |
Parish International & Multi-Cultural Heritage Awareness *
Three Times a Year Celebrations on the Third Sunday of
the Following Months
NOVEMBER: The Countries of Africa; FEBRUARY: The
Countries of the Caribbean; MARCH: The Countries of East Asia & the
Pacific Rim; APRIL: The Countries of North & South America.
The purpose of this committee is to help our parish
celebrate all the various cultures and nationalities that make up our
parish community. If anyone is interested in helping work on this
project or in joining this coordinating committee please contact any
committee member.
HIV and AIDS Support Network Support Ministry
Meets As Needed
Church Office
The primary purpose of this ministry
is to be a source of information and advocate to the parish surrounding the
issue of HIV / AIDS. This ministry plans and celebrates prayer and healing
services, and seeks to provide training to help prevent the spread of HIV and
AIDS. This ministry also offers a Catholic witness to the local community, and
is connected to the Archdiocesan AIDS Ministry and to other local HIV / AIDS
ministries in the Atlanta area. |

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