The National Week of Prayer for the
Healing of AIDS will be observed from Sunday, March
6th through Saturday, March 12, 2016. A special healing request
and memorial will take place during the Wednesday evening Mass
on March 9, 2016. As you may be
aware the epidemic of HIV and AIDS continues to have a major
disproportionate effect on the Black communities of our country,
and in particular here in Atlanta and Georgia among women, and youth ages 15
through 24.

the APP “Instant Church
Directory” from your APPS store - the APP is free.
If the parish has a valid email address on file for you entered
into our system then you will be able to access the directory -
Family Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Email Address. The
photo directory will always be kept as current as possible,
adding new household information as soon as we have it entered
into our system. If you DO NOT have a valid email address in our
system you can always submit your email address to the parish
office at
Office@mbschurch.com (You
will not be able to access the directory without a valid email
address!). You may submit you own household photo
directly to the directory.
For further information
contact the parish office. |
We are continually seeking to beautify our church
grounds, and the St. Rose of Lima Garden Ministry takes the lead in making this
happen. The ministry currently has available 7 flower planters along the
walkway between the church and parish center building which we ask individuals or organization to
"adopt." By adopting a flower planter your name will be displayed as
having sponsoring the planting placed in the planter. Each planter
costs between $60.00 and $100.00 for a year. If you are interested in adopting a planter
please contact Jenifer Burns through the parish office.
Click here to see who currently has
sponsored the various flower planters. Future flower planters will be
made available in 2015 for sponsorship by individuals or organizations.
1) Thank you MBS Men: Sidney Brown, Max
Scoggins, Ed Gilmore, Rich Taylor, Robert Mosley, and Reggie
Everett, and all Volunteers, especially Pearl Gresham and
Angie Scoggins for your
assistance in making our 1st "Bring A Friend Day" held Sunday,
May 24, 2015 such a big success. The food was fabulous! And to
all who invited a friend with them to church on that Sunday - we
thank you, too! If you are looking to participate in the next
"Bring A Friend Day" at our church contact
Gretchen Eugere, coordinator of Discipleship Ministry.
Hands on Most Blessed Sacrament Day -
Part of "Make a
Difference for Jesus Christ Service Day
COMING AGAIN IN THE LATE SUMMER! We will be asking our members to
participate in a “clean-up the parish buildings and grounds day.”
We will begin with prayer at 10 a.m. and follow it up cleaning
the church and the parish center buildings inside and out! Check
back to see when the next Hands On Day will be scheduled. The projects that our “Hands On” Day will
· General
cleaning and set up preparation for our Lenten and Easter Season celebrations
beginning in February;
· eRepair all the
parish's portable chairs / replace missing screws;
· Do
flower and shrub planting and maintenance
and work
on the Rosary Garden area.
Bring gloves, and cleaning supplies. Parish will provide snacks
and drinks for all the volunteers. Thank you in advance for your
Come and Celebrate God’s Call to the Men & Boys of our parish
With a
Special Guest Speaker
Music lead by the MBS Male Chorus |
Appreciates Your Using Your Stewardship Gifts.
Stewardship is a cornerstone of Christian living. Once again we
invite members to offer your Time, Talent, and Treasure to the
parish. Time and Talent Stewardship Fall celebration (Sunday, September
27, 2015). Time and Talent Stewardship Spring
celebration is in late April, 2015.
Treasure Stewardship to the parish is Sunday, January 18, 2015.
Stewardship to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal is Sunday,
February 1, 2015.
Thank you, each and every one, who has made a commitment for
2014 of their time and talent.
If you would like to make a
Stewardship Commitment for 2015 visit our
STEWARDSHIP page to learn more
about making a commitment.

We Hope You Enjoyed
our 2013
Movies on the Green
Series at MBS Church
We look forward to celebrating fun, family
movies during the summer of 2014
Just as a reminder, these are the movies
we watched in 2013.
June, 2013 Movie: "The Mighty
Macs" - rated G
July, 2013 Movie: "The Climb"
- rated PG
August, 2013 Movie:
"Unconditional" - rated PG
Beginning in 2011 our parish is challenging our membership to
live the W.A.R.M. principles of Christian Stewardship.
The W.A.R.M. principles are; W = Welcome everyone,
whether they are new or returning visitors and every member;
A = Ask the name of the person you talking to, and introduce
yourself to that person; R = Recognize the needs of the
people who are around you - you may be their only source of
help; an M = Make your Christian love visible all the
time. Be willing to grow as a disciple of our Lord Jesus,
Christ. |
PROMOTE A VOCATION TO THE CHURCH! On the last Sunday in October in dioceses and archdioceses throughout
the United States, a national recognition day to honor our Catholic
priests called Priesthood Sunday is being sponsored by the
United States Council of Serra International, a Catholic lay
organization whose ministry promotes and affirms vocations to the
priesthood and religious life. Along with
Serra International,
other mainstream Catholic organizations are also being asked to promote
Priesthood Sunday in the United States. The Archdiocese of
Atlanta encourages the parish to join in this national day of
appreciation and recognition for our beloved priests. It is a day to
reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the
Church as a central one. For more information go to:
www.priestsunday.org |
Most Blessed Sacrament’s annual Hat Day celebration
is usually held during the month of August. Women, Men, boys, girls .... do you have
a special hat
ready to wear as a part of Hat Day festivities? Come and join in the fun
as we pose for a group picture showing Most Blessed Sacrament's 1) the best looking hats (woman, men, children), 2) most unusual
hats, and 3) the hats that compliments the wearer’s outfit.
have arrived!! Fr. Bruce Wilkinson has made a financial donation
toward the purchase of a carillon bell system for the parish
through the estate of his late aunt, Mrs. Antoinette Olive.
The bells system was installed on Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
Perhaps you have a special request to hear played from our new
bell system. Ask about a hymn or song and see if it is
available. |
Our parish partners with the
American Red Cross to sponsor a blood drives. Every two seconds, someone in America needs
blood. Donating blood can help save lives of accident victims, patients with
cancer and other diseases, as well as those undergoing surgery. Please support
this important effort and pledge to participate and sign up to donate blood. You
will save a life! |