
KPC Council & Court# 376
Junior Council & Junior Court #376
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. and Ladies
Involves Your Whole Family
more info, speak with
Grand Knight Johnny Colcuitt or
Grand Lady
Jenifer Burns
Grand Knight
Colcuitt |
Grand Lady
Jenifer Burns |
June 2012 KPC Unit 376 Newsletter |
Junior Grand Knight
Junior Grand Lady
3rd Sunday Fellowship Social (except during
June) hosted by KPCLA #376 helps promote fellowship
among the parish members and visitors to Most Blessed Sacrament Church.
The fellowship social is a continental breakfast offer free of charge, from 10:30 a.m. until 11:15 a.m. in the parish center's St.
Martin de Porres Hall. |
Council Events |
Court Events |
The KPC Council #376 scholarship award
recipient Jay Jones was awarded his $500.00
scholarship check. |
Knight of Peter Claver Ladies
Auxiliary #376 Annual
Prayer Breakfast
The KPC Ladies Auxiliary invite you to
join them for
their Annual Prayer
Breakfast which will be held on the last Saturday in September 2014 at
Diamond Hall in College Park on Old National Highway. More Information
will be made available in the future.
Spring Fling Event
Saturday, April 5, 2014, 7p.m. until 11p.m., at the St.
Stephen's Center Hall across the street from the church.
Tickets are $20.00. Baby sitting services are available for
$10 provided by the Jr. Daughters of KPC. For further
information contact either Lady Peggy Ballou at 678-772-6791
or Knight George Greene at 678-333-7744 |
• To be a staunch supporter to the local pastor of the parish and to
the bishop of the diocese.
• To participate collectively in various parish and community
• To promote Civic Improvements.
• To encourage Lay Apostolic and Catholic action.
• To make contributions to worthwhile causes.
• To award scholarships.
• To foster recreational assemblies and facilities.
• To develop youth.
• To provide social and intellectual fellowship for its members as
well as proper guidance and participation in the ever changing
structure of our social and economic life, through this Catholic lay
• Masses for all deceased members one Sunday of the Year.
• Frequent Holy Communion as a community body.
• Uniformed participation in religious ceremonies.
• Substantial financial contributions to religious orders, churches,
deserving charities, worthy and needy causes, annual donations to
NAACP, National Urban League and Southern Christian Leadership
• Xavier University, Institute for Black Catholic Studies of
• Our Society has the approval of the Hierarchy and the clergy and
receives annually the Blessings of our Holy Father the Pope.
OUR SOCIAL PROGRAM INCLUDES activities of an educational,
recreational and athletic nature, such as dances, picnics, banquets
athletic events, workshops, fund-raising projects and other activities.
The State, District, and National Meetings offer opportunities of
fraternalization, cultural improvement, and broadening your local and
national acquaintance with fellow Catholics.
The Democratic Process is assured all members by frequent
rotation of officers on all levels. National and State District officers
are elected biennially and Local officers are elected annually.
The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver is an organization filled
with limitless opportunities for zealous Catholics to work for their
parish. Bishops, priests and laity have given Claverism such strong
support through the years that it now boasts of many flourishing
subordinate units of Catholic men, women and family members throughout
the United States. |
The Knights of
Peter Claver #376 will award an annual scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a
graduating high school senior who attends Most Blessed Sacrament Church
and has been accepted to an accredited four-year college / university or
two-year community college/technical school. The scholarship will be
based on merit and need and will be awarded before the start of the
academic year. Applicants must have a 2.75 (C+) cumulative grade
average and significant participation in civic, community service,
and/or church related activities. Applicants should submit
application with appropriate documentation (transcript/report card,
acceptance letter, reference letters, and short narrative documenting
service, etc.) to the Knights of Peter Claver #376 Scholarship Committee no later than
May 1st. Contact the Grand Knight further
Download K.P.C.
#376 Scholarship Application |
National Site:
Knights of Peter Claver
National Office
1825 Orleans Avenue
New Orleans, La 70116
Phone: 504/821-4225 Fax: 504/821-4253
© 2000 Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
of Peter Claver 2008 National Convention Newsletter