For further instructions or
information, download our
Giving file.

Online Banking
It is possible to have your bank
automatically deduct your church
contributions from your
checking/savings account. Just
visit your bank's website and
set up your account to
automatically transfer funds
from your account to Most
Blessed Sacrament Church.
You'll need to inform your bank
of our mailing address:
Most Blessed Sacrament Church
2971 Butner Road S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30331
In the memo field please
indicate what fund you are
contributing to:
Church Offering & Env. #
Kindly call the church office at
404-349-0176 x101 for your
envelope number.

Or you can make your check
payable to Most Blessed
Sacrament Church and mail it to:
Most Blessed Sacrament Church
2971 Butner Road S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30331-7860
In the memo field please
indicate which fund you are
contributing to:
Church Offering & Env. #
Also you are able to donate
Archdiocesan & Parish 2nd
Scholarship Gift Fund
Youth Ministry Support Fund
Assisting the Poor Fund
If you have any questions
regarding donations please
contact parish