
Ever since the Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.)
the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary wearing a regal crown
became part of the Christian tradition. The growth of a
special liturgy of dedication to Mary, Queen of Heaven and
Earth spread throughout the Church, especially in the 16th
century when various popes encouraged the practice. Today
around the world this tradition continues, during which an
image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is venerate by a special
coronation because Mary is the Mother of the Son of God,
Christ Jesus, and also because she shows herself to be the
perfect follower of Christ.
Our parish celebrates a special
coronation liturgy acknowledging the Blessed Virgin Mary as
Queen on the first Sunday of May at 10:45 a.m. in our Rosary
As the month of May begins, a month we
traditionally honor all mothers, let us join together in
honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ
and the mother of the Church. |