Catholic Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Sharing In Sisterhood

Pastoral Council
Music Ministry
Helping Hands
Sharing In Sisterhood
Saints Corner
Vocations Support
Knights of Peter Claver
Young Adults






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Sharing In Sisterhood is a forum for all women of our parish to fellowship while sharing in a journey of greater spiritual awareness. For each gathering a different spiritual topic is chosen based on a book or spiritual writing, usually by a woman author. All women are cordially invited to attend. Sharing In Sisterhood meets in the parish center on the 2nd Saturdays once a quarter in March, June, September, and December from 1:30 p.m. until 3 p.m.

The Sharing In Sisterhood Ministry Group conducted their 2008 Book Sale during April of 2008. There were many great titles available through donations and the desire to "share" a good book with another person. All proceeds from the Book Sale are being donated to the parish's Toca Scholarship Fund for Graduating High School Seniors.






Catholic Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament * 2971 Butner Road SW * Atlanta, GA 30331

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